Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Lana Del Ray - the face of what's to come?

When I first heard Lana Del Ray's hit tracks, 'Video Games' and 'Born to Die', I fell in love. In love with her lyrics, voice, meloncholy tone, image, oh all of it. So when her album 'Born to Die' was released yesterday, I immedeatly downloaded it.
Many of her songs, I have to admit, have a very similar sound. There is no variety, and therefore, some tracks seem to blend, without a real stand out track. Thats not to say that each track, when taken individually good.  Lana does something different with music. And the thing she does which is different, ironically, is that despite seeming edgy and different from other female artists, shes quite traditional. While some sounds in her music are modern, many ring of an older era. In 'Million Dollar Man' parts of the song could have been taken from a singer in the 30's or 40's, while other songs such as 'Off to the Races' seem to have a slight ring of Kate Bush.
Lana's lyrics are very meloncholy, and seem to ring of love. Sometimes I'm unsure of what Lana is doing. She doesn't seem very full of 'girl power' when she sings lyrics like 'This is what makes us girls, we don't stick together because we put love first'. Is she part of the sisterhood at all? or maybe, is she simply speaking a secret truth. I think there is a lot more to Lana. Her music wouldn't put me in the party mood, it is laid back, it is deep, and yet also refreshing. While it can seem repetitive, I never the less enjoy what she's bringing to the music scene.

Top Tracks from 'Born to Die'

  1. Video Games
  2. Born to Die
  3. Blue Jeans
  4. Summertime Sadness
  5. Dark Paridise

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