People always say, how this band or this artist is different. So what is it that makes Azealia so unique, so worth talking about? Well she's a black Harlem rapper who swears like a trooper, and can't get enough of the words 'cunt' and 'nigga'... nothing new there then. I think it's more to do with the fact that she's doing all this, but doing it in a way which is clear is not meant to be taken seriously or offensively. Oh and she's female. Yes other black female artists may swear and say the N word, such as Nicki Minaj and Rihanna, but Azealia comes along and does it with a different zest. She's so upfront and in your face about it it's hard to ignore. As in her song 212 she makes it clear 'I'm a ruin you cunt'. She can't be ignored. You just have to take it. You may hate it, take it offensively, and thats what makes her so irresistible, it leaves you questioning, how does this girl do this? I think it also helps that she's not afraid to pick on herself, as in her song Liquorice she raps 'hey i'm the liquorice bitch, you know i'm looking for these niggas if these niggas be rich'. with her different take on lyricism she draws you in. Plus it doesn't hurt that she has an awesome voice, is an amazing rapper, and a hilarious person. Every interview I have read with her I have thoroughly enjoyed.
Azealia's songs might never be played on Radio One in the middle of the day, how can they be? Something would surely break to bleep out that much swearing. Yet Azealia is STILL the next big thing. She is the future. The fact she doesn't tone down her music or take any shit for anybody yet still is a huge success already gives a lesson everyone, rapper or not, can learn.
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